Original Artwork by Rebecca Hillwig

“From My Hands to Yours”

My name is Rebecca and I grew up in the Yakima Valley of Washington State. At a very early age, my mother instilled in me an appreciation for art and design in its many forms.  She celebrated her 87th birthday this past May, yet still my greatest inspiration behind the jewelry, watercolor, and tile designs I create.  Though neither my mother or I have been formally trained, our love for the beauty of art and working with our hands is the essence of our everyday life.

As a Pacific Northwestern native, I cherish the color and texture of nature.  I aspire to embrace those elements in my work. Many of my pieces are induced by my life, by nature, and of course, by my mother.  You can see her original grape cluster design in some of my favorite jewelry.  As an artist, it is my desire to maintain my art and jewelry accessible, whether online or in a one-on-one experience at some of the great venues within Oregon and Washington. Meeting you in person is my favorite way of communicating; but, when that’s not possible, I look forward to hearing from you through the web.

I am always looking for new venues to showcase my work and as I am able to set a schedule of such places and dates, I will post them here in the hopes that you will come and visit.

Until then, I invite you into my website to enjoy with me, the beauty and color of nature, and to take with you, a piece of the love I feel as I create with my hands, my eyes and my heart.

Rebecca Hillwig

Owner and Artist / Columbia Valley Artware

music featured in the above video by kajé / “luna noche”  (a track from the album “hindsight” )

site updated 8/18/16